Wednesday, February 8, 2012


                              Ilite is a thing when intermediate students across the school board go to a school or high school to learn about how to be a good leader. Ilite stands for intermediate students in training event. I think
Ilite is a great opportunity for intermediate students to learn and have fun about the rolls that leaders play. On Friday we went to Blessed Mother Theresa high school. We took a school bus their which was awesome. When we got there we had to all sit in this cramped square with a bunch of kids from different schools. After that we got are name tags and we headed of to the workshops that we had to go to.
                        The first workshop that I went to was Creating a Circle of Hope. This workshop was about this girl Meagan and another girl Hailey who bothsuffered leukemia, a type of cancer, and what we can do to help the other kids who are suffering the exact same thing that they suffered. The workshop was okay, they mostly kept talking on, and on, and on.The only thing that was pretty cool was that we got to make papercranes. I made a red one that was the best one in my opinion.
                            The second workshop that I went to was positive gears. This presentation was the one I least enjoyed because of some of these reasons. Firstly we had to play this weird clapping game which was
really boring. Also we had to play this game where we had to hold ethers hands and squeeze it like a chain reaction.
                              The best part of this Ilite experience was that at lunch we got free pizza and juice. This was also stupendous because we didn't have to right an entire essay on this field trip. This trip helped me
understand that being a leader is not something big that you do it is something small and others see what you are doing and do the same thing.

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