Friday, February 24, 2012

Name: Kimberley
Teacher: Ms. Babb
Date: Friday February 24, 2012
               Lent is a time when we give up something for 40 days in respect of Jesus. Jesus went into the desert for 40 days without any food or water. Even when he was tempted by the devil he was able to say no. He did this to make himself stronger but also as an example for us. As Christians we begin lent on Ash Wednesday by putting a cross of ash on our forehead. The ash symbolises the fact that we are born of dust and ash and to dust and ash we will return. It is also a way of saying sorry for our sins. We celebrate lent because by giving up something we make ourselves stronger and that shows that we will not let ourselves be dependent on objects. Lent is also about forgiveness. We ask god to forgive our sins during the 40 days. Some Christians do not eat particular foods during the time of lent, such as eggs, meat, fish, fats, and milky foods. Others give up something that they enjoy like candy or cakes. The last week of lent is called holy week, at the end of the week lent ends and we celebrate Easter. The thing that Ihave given up for lent is chocolate. The season of lent is a celebration that is held by Christians all over the world.

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