Friday, February 24, 2012

        Lent is the time that symbolizes the time in the past when Jesus went into the desert ant fasted from communication with people and food. While Jesus was in the desert he was tempted by the devil for some time. Even though the devil's temptations were hard to resist Jesus did anyway. He resisted the devil's temptation for 40 days and 40 nights. As Catholics we believe that during Lent we should fast for a certain amount of reasons. Catholics believe that we should fast to connect with what Jesus did for us; we also improve our spirit, self-control, and strengthen our mind through the practice of Lent. I believe that I should give up something for Lent because by doing so I can resist the temptation for doing bad, doing things I shouldn't do, and  connect with Jesus all the while I am working on my self- control, spirit, and mind. In Lent when we go up to the priest, they bless us using the ashes of the palm crosses. This, as Catholics believe, symbolizes that we were once dust, which was breathed on by God, and made into us human mortals. It means we were dust one day and as dust we shall return to when our death comes. Also since Catholics give up something for Lent to help strengthen our minds and our connection with Jesus it means sacrificing something that we might be addicted to. During Lent I'm going to give up reading books. It might seem like a weird choice but I love reading a good book. I can't really go a day without reading a book. Will you give up something for Lent? It sure will strengthen your connection with Jesus and God as it will improve your mind, spirit and, heart.

                                                            By Nicholas Y

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