The Parable of the Rich Fool
When Jesus was teaching someone asked him to tell their brother to split their property. Then Jesus told the parable. The parable is about a man who grew an abundant amount of crops. He thought to himself "Where shall I put my crops?" Then he decided to destroy his barns and build them larger than before. He said to his soul "Soul you are very abundant, so now you can relax and be merry!" But then God told him "You fool your life will be taken tonight! Then whose will all your treasures be?" This is how it will be for those who aren't rich toward God, but are to themselves.
The moral of this story is to be rich towards God and yourselves. You can be rich toward yourselves but not as much as you should be towards God. You should never spoil yourself so much to forget the real reason why you live. You should always love God with all your heart, all your mind and all your self. This is because He was the One who made human life, the One who made the world, and the One who made you. If you forget the real reason why you live on this world alive and safe, you can't get into heaven like all the other people who loved God.
I liked your parable and moral. It gives you a clear sense of what Jesus was trying to say. i could also tell that the moral came from your heart. Your moral was professional.