The parable of the net
Name: Megan
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011
Teacher: Ms.Babb
This parable was about the kingdom of heaven. When fishermen use a net to gather up fish, they would throw the net into the lake. Later they would bring the net back towards them to divide the fish. The good fish go into their buckets and the useless ones get thrown back into the lake. When your life comes to an end, angels would divide the people who are evil from the people who are good.
The lesson of this parable is, in the life that you're living, you should be nice, loving, respectful, and always pray to god. If you choose to do those things, the angels will decide to put you in heaven. If you chose to be bad, disrespectful, and not pray to god, the angels will not invite you to heaven.
Dear God,
Help us to make good choices in life. Help us to be kind, generous, loving, and forgiving towards others so that we may rest in heaven peacefully. Show us the way to being compassionate and patient with others.
In Jesus name, Amen
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