Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tomorrow is our Last Supper...Cultural Lunch. I will see you all tomorrow!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Pick your favorite superhero. Be prepared to discuss why you identify with or can relate to that character so strongly.
HISTORY: Complete readings. DO #2 and # 3 of Conflict and Change
Thursday, June 14, 2012
- Order Form and monies for yearbook due.
-Play Day money for Play Day due
- Talent show audition
Friday, June 8, 2012
HISTORY: Read 101-105 #1 and #3
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
- Watch history vids
- Complete science handout
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
-Parents, quizzes were returned yesterday. Please sign and return to me.
-Pizza orders due in office this Friday.
- Talent Show tryouts are next week.
Monday, June 4, 2012
- CAT 4 testing continues this week.
-Summer school forms are due in the office. EVERYONE must return the form. If you are not interested, please put mark a large X on the front of the form. This ensure that parents have seen the form and chosen not to accept the opportunity.
-Track and Field City Finals are on Thursday.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Math: Page 110, #11-15 Reminders
- No school on Friday
- End of Year Leger's Got Talent show auditions begin soon !!!
- City Track and Field Final on Wednesday
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Science: Page 40-41
-Pizza Lunch tomorrow. Casual day
- Bring school photos from Teen Ranch and Camp O for Yearbook
- History test on Chapter 3 on Monday. Watch videos to help prepare.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Check out the link Seven Years War
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Get track and field permission forms signed.
Pizza monies due on Friday
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Camp O is all about student leadership! I'm so proud of the commitment of our Student Leaders. They worked really hard on all the required tasks! Check our winning performance!
Science: Read pages 20-23 #1-3
Math: Page 387 # 6-3
Monday, May 14, 2012
Science: Reread notes. Watch powerpoint presentations posted below on today's notes on the basic needs of all living things and the vocabulary of Ecosystems. Complete handout
Math: Complete page 352 # 8-10
Monday, May 7, 2012
CTV performance tomorrow.
School uniform is MANDATORY!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
HISTORY: Page 26-29 #1
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
HISTORY: Reread pages 14-17. Answer page 17 #1-2. Watch videos on the Seigneural System
LANGUAGE: Complete handout on May
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Congratulations to Simon and Anthonia for getting perfect in today's history quiz
History: Fur Trade Page 13-14
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Teacher: Ms. Babb
The novel took place in 1967-1968. Mr. Hoodhood said that Heather was not allowed to go to university because Comlubia University is the school striking against the War and Racism. Mr.Hoodhood didn't want
his Daughter going to protest against War at Columbia University because, "the whole world is crazy and nothing is crazier than University" Said Mr.Hoodhood. Mr.Hoodhood was right and wrong about not letting Heather go to university. He was right because I don't think any parent wants their child involved in War or even protesting. It could be dangerous for her because she could get killed even though the War is in Vietnam. Mr.Hoodhood was wrong not letting Heather go to Columbia University. Mr.Hoodhood was wrong because he is stopping Heather from pursuing her dream of becoming a flower child (Hippie). Some people use to have the same attitude like Mr.Hoodhood. Years ago kids were not allowed to make their own choices especially who they were going to marry.
journal entry
Teacher: Ms. Babb
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Name: Kimberley
Date: Tuesday April 24, 2012
1967-1968 was a time of war, racism, and many other things that made this time period dangerous towards the people. In the book "The Wednesday Wars", which is set in the year of 1967-1968, Heather Hoodhood and her father have completely different views on almost every political issue that was going on at the time. Heather wants to be a flower child that believes in peace and does not agree with many of the choices that were being made by the politicians of the time. Mr.Hoodhood was the type of parent who valued the males of the family rather than the women. He disagreed with almost everything that his daughter believed in. Being the only son in the family, Holling was to inherit his father's business, even though Heather was the oldest. One night, during diner, Heather and her father had a short discussion in which her father told her that she would not be attending college. I can see why Mr.Hoodhood would not want Heather to go to college, but it is also wrong of him to plan his daughter's life for her. Mr.Hoodhood's reasoning for not wanting Heather to go to college is probably because of the college she wants to go to. Heather wants to go to Columbia University, which at the time was on a strike to protest war. Mr.Hoodhood probably also does not trust Heather to make the right choices and thinks she will only be safe if she stays and works for as a secretary for his family business. Despite his reasons,
he should not have the right to stop Heather from going to Colombia University and making her own life choices. From what I've read in the novel, I would think that Heather will not be going to the university,
since she unwillingly does everything her father says. Like Mr.Hoodhood many parents today try to plan their child's future for them. Many of these children would probably not be happy with the
lives their parents planned for them. From what I know about Heather Hoodhood, she would not be happy with the life her father wants her to live.
Name: Hrishi
Date: Tuesday April 24, 2012
Mr.Hoodhood is always a strict parent. What he tells you to do you have to do. He won't even let you ask why. This is the dilemma Heather is facing. Heather wants to go to Columbia University but her dad
won't let her. Mr.Hoodhood's reasons for Heather not to go to University are right but also wrong. One reason is that at Columbia University is where they are on strike to protest because they want peace and no war. Since the University is on strike there are no classes. So Heather won't study. One other reason Mr.Hoodhood does not want her to go University is so she won't become a hippie. Plus Mr.Hoodhood offered a job for Heather because now she can get a job without going to College. Mr.Hoodhood is right in one way because he wants his daughter to be safe. Heather is also right in one way because even if she wants to be a Doctor her father won't let her go to University. Mr.Hoodhood is not giving her the choice of freedom to do what she wants in the future. I think overall Heather is right because Mr.Hoodhood bosses Heather each time. I think people still have this attitude. People still have this attitude because their past was probably like
Teacher: Ms. Babb
Date: April 24, 2012
A Strict Life
Mr. Hoodhood is a very strict man, with very little interest in compromising with people. He is trying to keep Heather from going to university and getting the education she needs. Mr. Hoodhood knows that Columbia University is on strike to stop the war. He also thinks that Heather won't be safe because of all the commotion there.
I disagree with Mr. Hoodhood because Heather needs the education and Mr. Hoodhood is keeping her from it. Making Heather a secretary is a bad decision, you can tell by her personality that she should be
something more than a tedious old secretary. Heather could become a lawyer because she likes to fight for her country or a musician because she likes music. There are so many careers out there and
Heather will never get to experience them because he father thinks it's unsafe. I slightly agree that Columbia University is unsafe because in the 1960's I know that there was a lot of drug dealing going on so that could be a reason its unsafe. I know if I went to a school with a lot of drug dealing going on my mom would hesitate about me going there.
Because of the war going on in Vietnam there are no classes happening at Columbia University. There is and upside and a downside to that. The upside to that is that Heather might learn how to fight for her rights and who knows by the time Heather gets to University the war might be over. The downside to that is that she might not learn anything and all they do is sit around. Yes I think some people still have this attitude towards University today. I know that there are a lot of strict parents out there who want their kids to stay with them.
Those kids will never get to be free from their parents and will never take on responsibility. These kids might even start to do this to their kids and it will be a cycle. This is not a good idea for the kid's education.
Tuesday, April 29th 2012.
"Where your heart goes, the mind follows." In The Wednesday Wars, Hollings older sister Heather wants to go to college but Mr. Hoodhood does not want his daughter to attend a university where classes are on strike to protest against the Vietnam War and racism. I believe that Mr. Hoodhood is wrong because although protesting could be very dangerous to Heather, he should trust that he raised his daughter well enough to make decisions for herself. I understand that his job as a father is to protect his children, but it's also his job raise them into responsible, intelligent, young adults. Heather has every right to follow her heart and believe she can make a difference. It's disappointing to know that this attitude still exists today. When children want to make mistakes and learn from them, but their parents are too protective to let them grow. I've seen this attitude hundreds
of times and the kids don't ever realize right from wrong because they haven't gotten a chance in their life to go out and make mistakes to learn from. I have never experienced this from my parents, but I have from others. It makes life boring. You have to go out, explore, learn and make mistakes; it's how you find out who you truly are. You have to find yourself at a young age because one day your heart will want to go in one direction but your mind will refuse to follow. Let it be.
By: Kristen
Teacher: Ms. Babb.
Date: April 29, 2012.
Mr. Hoodhood does not want his daughter to go to Columbia University because Mr.Hoodhood wants her to stay back and work for him. I think that it is totally unfair because Mr. Hoodhood is stopping her and not
letting her do what she want to do. Heather, Mr. Hoodhood's daughter is totally against war. Columbia University at the time was on strike to protest the war in Vietnam.
I think Heather is like a hippie, but at her age, she'd be considered as a flower child. Flower children are usually peace makers and most commonly try to end war. Obviously, parents always want the best for us but Mr. Hoodhood is the total opposite. As you know, all he really wants is his company to be the best of the best and not so much of what his kids want.
Some people surely have that type of attitude today but at one point in time, parents have to let go. For me, even though my mom and dad don't want me to leave or say goodbye. These are some challenges in
life. Sure, so people have this type of attitude but others just have a problem of letting go, but it's something in the future that we all go through.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Language: Work on your 6 literary devices assignment.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
HISTORY: Reread notes. Complete handout
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Contest of the Misunderstood Architects
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Two words, unsympathetic character. Mr. Hoodhood plays Holling's father, who is too busy worrying about his job; than actually making time for his family. Some obvious examples of Mr. Hoodhood showing
this is when, Holling has a big play to perform that he had to do. Holling goes to his dad and tells him about the play, and instead of Mr. Hoodhood encouraging him. He decides that Holling has to wear the
embarrassing costume. This costume had yellow tights and to also make it any worse it had feathers sticking out from behind. I could tell Mr. Hoodhood simply cared more about his job than his son, once he had announced that Holling had to do the play no matter what. Mr. Hoodhood had made that decision simply because maybe, 'one day Mr. Goldman, the supposed one of the leading roles of the play, might ask him that he needs an architect to design a theatre one day.' Mr. Hoodhood is the just the kind of father that is more interested in his job and himself than his son.
On the otherhand you can say that Mr. Kowalski is the same. They both are architects, who both are rivals, and own their own company. Even though Mr. Kowalski has been recently introduced in the book, there are quite a few differences you notice about him and Mr. Hoodhood. Unlike Mr. Hoodhood, you could tell two times in the chapter that Mr. Kowalski cares about his daughter as much as he does about his job. In the book when Meryl Lee and Holling go on a date, Mr. Hoodhood doesn't give any pointers or support in the date whatsoever. However, Mr. Kowalski volunteers to drive the couple to where the Romeo and Juliet play is located. Also, when Mr. Hoodhood finds out that Mr. Kowalski had found out his bid for the high school because of Holling; Holling gets silently yelled at while he blames it on Meryl Lee for telling her father about the model. This is related to the play Romeo and Juliet because both Meryl Lee and Holling are misunderstood and start to ignore each other. This leads into thecompany Mr. Kowalski and Associates dropping out their bid. I'm prettysure the reason why is because he noticed on how his daughter started acting and felt really guilty about what he had done. That's something Mr. Hoodhood would have never done. This small scenario in the chaptertells you on who really is the better parent here.
Name: Helena
Teacher: Ms. Babb
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Two rivals with the same goal. In a book called "The Wednesday Wars", a boy's father, Mr. Hoodhood, and a girl's father, Mr. Kowalski, are two architects who work for the same thing and he same thing.They are
the same because they are both architects and they want their models to be built as the new school. Their differences are that Mr. Kowalski is the more selfish one and Mr. Hoodhood is the smarter one. Mr. Kowalski is selfish because he was the one who copied off Mr. Hoodhood's scale model for the highschool design and he knew it was Mr. Hoodhood's yet he still copied as if it were his own. Mr. Hoodhood
is the smarter one compared to him because I bet he wouldn't of done the same thing and if he would, he would've asked Holling to ask Meryl Lee for her father's drawing. I think Mr. Kowalski should be a good
sport about this. I can understand that their work means a lot, especially the money that they earn, but at least play fair. Instead of just copying over Mr. Hoodhood's drawing, Mr. Kowalski's drawing would've been pretty good compared to Mr. Hoodhood's and maybe his drawing would actually get built as the new school design. But who knows, maybe Mr. Kowalski might have a chance at winning against Mr.
Hoodhood further in the book. But, that's just my opinion.
Teacher: Ms. Babb
DATE: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Kowalski and Hoodhood
On the left side is Mr. Hoodhood on the right side is Mr. Kowalski. Like two sides of a coin, so different but very alike. These inconsiderate men make a living as architects. They compete against each other to see whose company will get the big building contract. Both discuss their work with their family; although in quite an arrogant way. Mr. Kowalski is not as ignorant of his family as Mr. Hoodhood is. At least he listens to his daughter's stories and drives her to school unlike Mr. Hoodhood. Mr. Hoodhood is raising his son, Holling, to become the heir of Hoodhood and Associates. Meanwhile, Mr. Kowalski just doesn't care or mind if Meryl Lee is suitable for being the heir to his company. I think Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are
very much alike. Their differences are hidden but are also in the open.
Mr.Hoodhood VS. Mr.Kowalski
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Some people think that Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are similar. Others believe that they are different. I will be discussing the similarities and differences between the two. One similarity between them is that they both seem to care about their business more than their kids. So far through the book I have seen encounters when Holling is trying to tell Mr.Hoodhood a serious problem and Mr. Hoodhood just reverses the situation to his company not caring about Holling's feelings. When Meryl Lee describes her father in February I could tell that she feels the same way Holling feels about his father. The most obvious similarity between Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski is that they are both architects. Mr. Hoodhood owns Hoodhood and
associates while Mr. Kowalski is the owner of Kowalski and associates. They are both rival companies and in February they are both duelling to see who will design the new school. These two business men are also
both very competitive. Holling's dad is like a war machine when it comes to the business. He will do whatever he can to ensure he made a deal. You can tell this by going back in the book to the part where
Holling is insisting that Mrs. Baker hates his guts and then his father tells him to keep Mrs. Baker happy to ensure he would get to renovate the Baker Sporting Emporium. Mr. Kowalski is also a very
competitive man. You can tell this by how he used his daughter to steal Mr. Hoodhood's design for the new school. Even though these two characters have similarities, as humans they have differences. A big
difference between the two is that Mr. Hoodhood is more independent then Mr. Kowalski. Mr. Hoodhood can do things by himself and doesn't need anyone to help him. Mr. Kowalski on the other hand is more of a
dependant person. He had to steal Mr. Hoodhood's idea of the new school through his daughter which is something that Mr. Hoodhood would not need or want to do. Another difference is that Mr. Kowalski is
more nervous than Mr. Hoodhood. When the school board was deciding which architect would design the new school Mr. Kowalski's face was turning red, he was sweating pile loads and he was fidgeting with his
cigarette the whole meeting while Mr. Hoodhood was keeping his cool at the meeting. Mr. Hoodhood is more confident than Mr. Kowalski. Mr. Kowalski took a look at the design that Mr. Hoodhood had made and assumed it was better than his. He stole it because he had no self confidence in him which I believe Mr. Hoodhood has a lot of. After talking about Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski I would like to say
"Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success, failure, equilibrium, compromise or balance, in this continuous rivalry of ideas" -James M. Baldwin.
Name: Hrishi
Date: Tuesday April 17, 2012
Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Hoodhood are 2 different characters. Mr. Hoodhood takes everything with ease and is always brave. Mr. Kowalski is kind of like a shy person who is not open minded. Mr.Hoodhood is a person who really cares for his business and himself. Like when Holling got hurt he said he will come on his own time. Mr. Kowalski is more of a caring person. That is how they are different. They are also the same. They are both competitive in their job and always want to win. They both be perfect in their job and don't like to make mistakes. Let's just say they both go to the extreme to win.
Mr.Hoodhood and Mr.Kowalski are two different people with a lot in common, but they also have differences. They are similar because they're both architects that manage their own company. Both of them are great architects, but they put their job first instead of their family. Second of all, they are both fathers and they know what it's like to have children that have their own problems almost every day. The only difference is that they don't really care, and they both ask if the other family owns an architectural company. Of course having a fantastic job is great, but they should care about their family too. Lastly, they both want the same jobs like the one in Camillo Junior High. With all the similarities, there are also differences between them. The both of them are rivals, which means that they don't get along with each other as well as some architects out there. They own different companies and Mr.Hoodhood's company got the job at Camillo Junior High instead of Mr. Kowalski's company. Finally, to get clients, one of them doesn't even try to create a totally different blueprint. Mr. Kowalski copied the blueprint of Mr. Hoodhood, and he was expecting to get the job…but he obviously didn't. However, their goal to get as many clients as they can doesn't change.
Mr.Hoodhood VS Mr.Kowalski
Teacher: Ms. Babb
Name: Katrina
Date: April 17, 2012
Mr. Kowalski VS Mr. Hoodhood
Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are both devious and a little selfish, that's my point of view of how they both act. Mr. Kowalski seems devious because he stole Mr. Hoodhood design. It's not like he stole it from Mr. Hoodhood himself he got the design from his daughter who got it from her boyfriend Holling Hoodhood. I find it Mr. Hoodhood devious but in a different way, he is very good at wording his arguments in a settle yet angry way. When Mr. Hoodhood argues that way it's like he gets whatever he wants. Mr. Kowalski is selfish because he stole the design from his daughter and it sounds like he really doesn't care what might happen between his daughter and her boyfriend. It's the same with Mr. Hoodhood it seems like he only cares about winning and his job. Mr. Hoodhood is different from Mr. Kowalski because Mr. Kowalski has a soft side, he did after all remember to pick up his daughter and her boyfriend from their date. Unlike Mr. Hoodhood who failed to pick up Holling from his play that Mr. Hoodhood didn't even bother to go and watch. Mr. Kowalski also did the right thing by withdrawing his bid for the job, he could have just denied that he stole the design but instead he did the right thing. So in the end it's hard to describe how these two fathers and architects work but I think they need a little practice in some of their working and parenting skills.
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Name: Lucas
Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are different because when Holling
needed a ride to the Baker sporting emporium Mr. Hoodhood just stayed
at home and watched TV. Holling was left on the side of a road .When
Holling went on a date with Meryl Lee; Mr. Kowalski took the time to
bring them to the theater to watch a play. The play was Romeo and
Mr.Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are the same because they are both
competitive over their work and want to win every time. They are
riving families and work as an architect.
By: Kristen
Date: April 17, 2012
Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Hoodhood are different because Mr. Kowalski is more generous and very kind. Mr. Hoodhood is very selfish and careless. Mr. Hoodhood only cares about his job, nothing else. One example of Mr. Kowalski's kindness is when Mr. Kowalski cancelled the bid for the school architectural. Mr. Hoodhood is very cocky and I think he has too much self-confidence in his company. Mr. Hoodhood is
basically the total opposite of Mr. Kowalski. They have little similarities to each other. Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Hoodhood are similar because there both building designers and the both are very committed to their jobs. They are both also devious and sneaky. They both will do whatever it takes to have what they truly want.
Date: April 11, 2012
The play starts off in Scotland. There are three witches whom are designing a magic potion to help a very evil prophecy. Just recently, Macbeth and Banquo have defeated two armies in battle. King Duncan just found out by his generals about the news. While Banquo and Macbeth were on their way to meet King Duncan, they suddenly encounter three odd witches. They tell him that Macbeth will become king of Scotland, but for that to happen, Banquo must be descended. At first Macbeth did not believe them until King Duncan's
men arrived to tell him that he has a reward for his braveness during battle. Then, Macbeth and King Duncan plan a dining together at Macbeth's castle. When Macbeth arrives home, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill King Duncan and have the throne to him to fulfill the prophecy. Macbeth and his wife get King Duncan's chamberlains' entirely drunk, so that when King Duncan falls asleep, he can stab him. The next morning, Macbeth killed King Duncan's chamberlains' to make the people think that he is angry of his death. Suddenly, Macbeth remembers what the witches said. So then Macbeth sends someone to kill
Banquo and his son feleance. Macbeth went to visit the three witches increasingly insane. The witches said that he must beware of Macduff, he is not capable of being harmed if any men are "born of a women" and he will be safe until "Birman wood arrives to Dunsinane Castle". After the witches spoke to him, he was still concerned about Macduff. Macbeth suddenly finds out that Macduff has gone to England to plan an attack on Macbeth. Then he immediately orders Macduffs castle to be seized at once, including the killing of his children and wife. Later on, Lady Macbeth has become extremely guilty because of King Duncan's murder. Then she kills herself instantly. When Macbeth find out about her death, he becomes very sad but he is still confident that he has nothing to fear. Macbeth and Macduff encounter each other on the battle field. While they fought Macduff tells Macbeth that, he wasnot born of a woman. Then in an instant Macduff beheads Macbeth. Now Malcom is the king of Scotland and the witches' prophecy are
Mr.Hoodhood and Mr.Kowalski
Mr.Hoodhood and Mr.Kowalski
Name: Kimberley
Date: Tuesday April 17, 2012
In the book "The Wednesday Wars" the author Gary D. Schmidt describes the fathers of Holling Hoodhood and Maryl Lee Kowalski as rivals. Although Mr.Hoodhood and Mr.Kowalski are rivals, they are similar in many ways. Both men are architects and are very committed to their jobs. They also seem pretty boastful. It seems that both fathers are often too busy with their work and do not spend enough time with their families. Despite their similarities, Mr.Kowalski and Mr.Hoodhood are also quite different. After stealing Mr.Hoodhood's design for the new school, Mr.Kowalski withdrew his design and gave up. Mr.Hoodhood does not seem like the type of person who would give up like that. Mr. Kowalski was also kind to Holling after losing thedeal. Mr.Hoodhood would probably have been envious towards Mr.Kowalski's family if Mr.Kowalski won the deal. Both men would probably be good friends if it weren't for their rivalry.
Imagine a completely heartless dictator, Mr. Hoodhood, and then imagine a dictator who actually cares, Mr. Kowalski. In this chapter Mr. Kowalski starts of just like my description of Mr. Hoodhood, a heartless dictator. They were both willing to do anything to be the best architect, which is exactly what Mr. Kowalski attempts to do. Mr. Kowalski tried to steal Mr. Hoodhood's design inch by inch of the model. I don't know if it was the anger in Mr. Hoodhood's face, the amount of trouble he had put Holling in or the fact that his own daughter wouldn't even talk to him, but Mr. Kowalski took back his design. This leaves me wondering what Mr. Hoodhood would have done if the situation was switched. If you think about it the way that I do Mr. Hoodhood wouldn't have cared at all, he would be a dictator about the whole thing. And that's the difference between Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Hoodhood; one would care and the other wouldn't. That's what Ilike about this book; it leaves you wondering what will happen next. What would you have done if you were Mr. Kowalski?
Date: April 17, 2012
Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are similar and different in various ways! One interesting similarity is at competing. Since there both architects, they tend to want to win. They both want to be the winning
architect. In the book it states that Mr. Kowalski stole Mr. Hoodhood's school designing plan because he wanted his own plan to be better than Mr. Hoodhood's. He copied the inner design of Mr. Hoodhood's plan. The most disappointing thing is that he made his daughter, Meryl Lee steal the plan from Mr. Hoodhood's son Holling! This is very unnecessary since he could have designed his plan on his own. They are also very different. One amusing difference between the two gentlemen is the fact that Mr. Hoodhood never feels sorry for something wrong he did. Although Mr. Kowalski does! In the book it states that Mr. Kowalski ended up feeling guilty for copying Mr. Hoodhood. As a result Mr. Kowalski ended up withdrawing his design. While Mr. Hoodhood chose make up a lie that Mr. Kowalski's not brave. These two gentlemen are very similar yet, very different!
Date: April 10,2012
Macbeth Summary
Have you ever heard of the amazing William Shakespeare play called 'Macbeth'? Well, the setting is in Scotland and the king at that time was King Duncan. Macbeth dreamed to be King of Scotland one day, and
he did all that he can to get what he wanted. This whole thing started off with the three 'weird' witches who were brewing a magic potion that was designed to help fulfill an evil prophecy. While doing that,
they all sang 'Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and caldron bubble,' altogether after each part.
On the other hand, King Duncan of Scotland heared the news that Macbeth and Banquo, his generals, have defeated two different armies in the battle! While they were on their way to meet the king, they saw the witches. The three of them told Macbeth that he will become Thane of Cawdor and that eventually he will one day take King Duncan's spot as the King of Scotland. For Banquo, they said that his descendant
will become King of Scotland, but not Banquo himself. When Duncan's men arrived, as a reward, Macbeth had been made Thane of Cawdor because of his great work in the battle. Macbeth started to believe
the witches after all. One night, King Duncan and Macbeth planned to dine together at Macbeth's castle. As soon as the news got to Lady Macbeth that the king and his sons were coming, she convinced Macbeth
to kill the king so that he will take his spot. He did what she said and he stabbed King Duncan while he was sleeping, also he planned to blame it all on the chamberlains that they also killed. In all this insanity, he remembered that Banquo's descendant would become King of Scotland so he hired someone to kill Banquo and his son, but his son Fleance escaped. During a feast, Macbeth acted crazy in front of the Scottish nobility, and they started to think that he wasn't ready to be King. Macduff, one of the people there, wanted to overthrow Macbeth. Anyways, Macbeth went to visit the witches to know more about what would happen next. They told him that he was incapable of being harmed by any man born of woman, that he would be safe until 'Birnam Wood' would go to Dunsinane Castle, and also to beware of Macduff. While Macduff was busy in England, Macbeth sent people to murder Macduff's wife and children. As a result, Macduff wanted revenge on Macbeth. Meanwhile, Lady Macbeth started to go crazy because of all the guilt she felt, so she killed herself in despair.
The confidence that Macbeth had disappeared when he saw an army, including Macduff and Malcolm, approaching the castle while holding branches from Birnam Wood. During the horrific battle, Macbeth found
out that Macduff wasn't born of woman which made it a lot scarier for him. In conclusion, Macduff beheaded Macbeth and Malcolm became the King of Scotland.
Showdown of the Architects
Showdown of the Architects
In the Wednesday Wars, Mr.Kawalski and Mr.Hoodhood have some similiarities.for example, they are both architects. Also both of them were bidding against eachother to see who would get the contract to build the new school. As much as the similarities represent their work they also have a similar personality. They are similar in personality by always wanting to work and to always want the deals. All these two ever talk about is about how important the contract is. They don't really pay attention to their family a lot. Both of them also would do anything to win the contract, even if it means stealing a design or trying to stay calm when part of your house just fell down. That's how I see Mr.Kawalski and Mr.Hoodhood.
By: MJ
Holley's Comparison of the Fathers of The Wednesday Wars.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are both fathers of two grade sevens at Camillo Junior High by the names of Holling Hoodhood and Meryl Lee Kowalski. For a living, they are also owners of Long Island's top two
architecture companies. 'Hoodhood and Associates', 'Kowalski and Associates'. These two fathers both take their architectural business very seriously. They also talk about their business a lot, forgetting
the true focus of family life and commitment. Although Mr. Hoodhood and Mr. Kowalski are both very competitive, Mr. Kowalski knows when to fix the mistakes he's made. Mr. Hoodhood is just very careless. When it comes to building and designing his "Perfect House", he works very hard to make it look amazing. But he doesn't focus on what's truly inside the house. His family. He doesn't take the time to fix the
dysfunction that truly matters. Mr. Kowalski has made some mistakes, but he's currently fixed them. He seems to be a good man. Mr. Hoodhood needs to step it up a bit and care more. They both need to think about what they're doing and the consequences in may cause.
Mr.Hoodhood and Mr.Kowalski are two different people with a lot in common, but they also have differences. They are similar because they are both architects. Second, they both have children who both go to the same school and are in the same class. Lastly, they both own an architectural company named after their family. Aside from all of that, they are also different because they're from different families, different companies, and they aren't nice to each other like some architects out there. Either way, their goal to get a lot of clients doesn't change.
Monday, April 16, 2012
how good of a runner you become...
You will become as good as you let yourself be.
That one person is you.”
Friday, April 13, 2012
- No Camp O practice on Monday morning!
- Cross-country team members are to arrive by 8:15. Helpers should be there by 8! Bring packed lunch and dress for cold rainy weather!! Wear layers!
Impressionism started in the 1860's in Paris, France. Before Impressionism, artists painted portraits and religious or historical themes. They were commissioned by the church or by wealthy families. The paintings were very realistic and included mostly subdued colors. The Impressionists were a radical change to traditional art. For the first time, artists painted for enjoyment, not commission. Because artists were not accountable to anyone paying them, they painted whatever they wanted. Art became accessible to the common people. Artists went outdoors and painted landscapes. They painted children and adults participating in everyday work and play activities. They painted with wide brushstrokes and lots of bright colors. They showed changing weather and lighting conditions.
These artists were so radical for their time, their paintings were not accepted for display into a traditional gallery called the Salon. They were banned from the Salon, so Impressionists started their own gallery called the Salon de Refuses. In French, that roughly translates to "room of trash". Impressionist artists have since gained acceptance and popularity and opened the doors for many creative modern artistic styles.
2. Go to assigned web sites to view paintings by Impressionist painters.
3. Learn basic color vocabulary.
4. Understand how the Impressionist painters used color theory in their work.
5. Identify and discuss paintings by Edward Manet, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt, Auguste Renoir, Vincent Van Gogh and Georges Seurat.
View Impressionism Slide Show for an introduction to Impressionism and an overview of your first project.
Visit the assigned websites to gather information.
Color Vocabulary Worksheet
Characteristics of Impressionism Worksheet
Impressionist and Post Impressionist Artist Worksheet
Make a folder for Impressionism and save your worksheets to this folder.

Visit this site to learn about Impressionism and to view galleries of the artists. Click on each artist's name and then click on the thumbnails to view various paintings. Look extensively at Seurat and his paintings.
Lesson created by art teacher Mrs. Pelto
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
In the beginning, there were three old hags (witches), three prophecies, and 2 men. Will the prophecies come true? Who knows! A story about a great warrior who will do whatever it takes to become King of Scotland. Macbeth's story takes place in Scotland, in the time of Shakespeare. The three witches are creating a magic potion that will bring to light an evil prophecy. Macbeth and Banquo (supposedly friends) encounter the witches, while returning from a battle. The old hags give them three prophecies: Macbeth will be made Thane of Cawdor and become King of Scotland. Later on, one of Banquo's descendent will become King of Scotland. Macbeth does not believe the prophecies until he is made Thane of Cawdor.
King Duncan of Scotland, his sons, Malcolm and Donalblian, and Macbeth dine together at Macbeth's castle. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to kill the King. Macbeth secretly murders King Duncan and is crowned King of Scotland. In remembering the prophecy about Banquo's heir, Macbeth becomes paranoid that he arranges for Banquo's and his son, Fleance's, death. Unfortunately, Fleance escaped but Banquo is dead. Banquo's ghost visits Macbeth, which causes him to behave abnormally. One of his invitees, Macduff, plots to defeat him.
Macbeth visits the witches and asks for their help. They tell him that: first, he should be wary of Macduff. Second, he is incapable of being harmed by "any man born woman". Third, he will be safe until "Birnam Wood comes to Dusinane castle". Being very cautious, Macbeth seizes Macduff's castle and terminates his family. Afterwards, Lady Macbeth sees figments of King Duncan's blood on her palm and tries to wipe it off. Eventually, she commits suicide. Macduff and Malcolm's army approach Dusinane castle (Macbeth's castle) disguised as branches from Birnam Wood. Macbeth is beheaded after discovering that Macduff was not "born of woman". Malcolm is crowned King of Scotland. Years later, Fleance becomes King of Scotland. Wouldn't you say that the witches' prophecies were fullfilled?