Tuesday, April 24, 2012

College vs. Hoodhood
Tuesday, April 29th 2012.

"Where your heart goes, the mind follows." In The Wednesday Wars, Hollings older sister Heather wants to go to college but Mr. Hoodhood does not want his daughter to attend a university where classes are on strike to protest against the Vietnam War and racism. I believe that Mr. Hoodhood is wrong because although protesting could be very dangerous to Heather, he should trust that he raised his daughter well enough to make decisions for herself. I understand that his job as a father is to protect his children, but it's also his job raise them into responsible, intelligent, young adults. Heather has every right to follow her heart and believe she can make a difference. It's disappointing to know that this attitude still exists today. When children want to make mistakes and learn from them, but their parents are too protective to let them grow. I've seen this attitude hundreds
of times and the kids don't ever realize right from wrong because they haven't gotten a chance in their life to go out and make mistakes to learn from. I have never experienced this from my parents, but I have from others. It makes life boring. You have to go out, explore, learn and make mistakes; it's how you find out who you truly are. You have to find yourself at a young age because one day your heart will want to go in one direction but your mind will refuse to follow. Let it be.

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