Thursday, March 1, 2012

I.l.i.t.e essay


          Ghandi once stated "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". After hearing this remarkable statement I knew that Ghandi was a born leader. There have been so many great leaders just like Ghandi over the years like Barrack Obama, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., St. Rose of Lima, Nelson Mandela ETC. when hearing about these great leaders us kids don't realize that we are the future leaders. We could be the Prime Minister, the head of a successful company, or even someone who will fight against poverty. We don't really realize this potential. We usually need an inspiration like I.l.i.t.e .  I.l.i.t.e stands for Intermediate Leaders In Training Event. Basically I.l.i.t.e is when almost all schools from the Toronto catholic district meet together and we all have a great time and learn a lot about leadership in 2 different workshops. It was a truly inspirational event.

          As soon as we arrived Mother Theresa high school (were the event was held) I instantly knew I would learn a great amount of leadership. We entered the theatre of the high school for a greeting to start the day. The best part of the greeting was Stu Sanders performance. Stu is a comedian who travels around the world encouraging students to pursue leadership in a hysterical way. He tells the story about the struggles and stories that overcame him as a child and then how the formed him into the leader he is today. I really think he should write a book! After the wonderful performance we said a quick pray and we were off to our first workshops.

          My first workshop was called Positive Gear. I remember last year they came to our school so I recognized the two representatives from Positive Gear. The workshop was talking about how it's an amazing thing to be positive and to always "work as a gear" with other people eg. Imagine a gear that works together with several other gears to operate a piece of machinery. We are basically all like that. If we all work together like the gears in machines we can make and do incredible things for the earth and anything in it. They used good examples, stories and games that taught us about working together and being positive. As soon as the bell rang for lunch we went straight to the lunch hall and ate a fantastic lunch (courtesy of Pizza Pizza J). Later in the afternoon we met in the theatre for a talent show.

          I would say that the talent show was the best part of the afternoon. The first performers were students from a dance academy. They gave three different types of dances one slow dance, a Hawaiian styled dance and a hip hop performance. They were all pretty cool. The next performance was a band called Star Child x who I wasn't aware of but I still enjoyed their performance. They sang two songs which got everyone pumped. As they started to leave they handed out free Star Child x buttons and I just snagged one (I had to stand on a chair though).the next performance was by Diego from the next star. Everyone knew this performer so pretty much the whole theatre was screaming. I caught mostly the whole thing on tape. The final performance was by a dance group. They were amazing dancers. As soon as the talent show was finished we headed straight to our last workshop. I didn't really learn much in my last workshop though.

          We ended the day at I.l.i.t.e by saying a great prayer followed by a few wonderful songs. After experiencing I know look at leadership differently. The event really makes you feel like you want to make a difference in the world. I felt very encouraged by the event and I hope all students can experience the intelligence of the event I.l.i.t.e . It truly was spectacular.

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